Apr 18, 2013

Student’s Public Transit Visualization Wins Award

School of Information master’s student Raymon Sutedjo-The was honored this month by the Urban Data Challenge for his project, “Transit Quality & Equity.”

The Urban Data Challenge invited designers, programmers, data scientists, and artists to develop innovative ways to merge and compare mobility data sets from three cities — San Francisco, Geneva, and Zurich — and draw meaningful insights. The contest looked for projects which showcase the power of open governmental data and facilitate the knowledge exchange between cities.

The contest was organized by the Urban Prototyping organization and sponsored by Swissnex San Francisco.

Transit performance is often measured solely by speed and efficiency, but Sutedjo-The wanted to explore how well transit systems actually serve the diverse populations of their cities. Do people of different economic classes experience different quality of service and access? His project, “Transit Quality & Equity,” overlays transit data with income levels, to visualize the equity impacts of transit service; it features interactive maps of three cities: San Francisco, Geneva, and Zurich.

Raymon Sutedjo-The, a UX/UI designer and front-end developer, is a first-year student in the I School’s MIMS program. Before coming to Berkeley, he designed and developed web interfaces for companies like Discover Financial Services, L’Oreal, Michaels, and Transamerica Insurance; he also has a B.F.A. in visual communication from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. For this project, Sutedjo-The teamed up with Sandra Lee, who will be joining the I School’s MIMS program this fall.

At the Urban Data Challenge awards ceremony this month, Sutedjo-The and Lee were awarded second prize, competing against projects from Zurich, Geneva, San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Paris, and Singapore.

Since receiving the award, Sutedjo-The continues to develop and explore the project. In a city planning class on race, equity, and the city, he's using “Transit Quality & Equity” as an example of the power and pitfalls of data visualization in planning. Sutedjo-The and Lee are scheduled to present the project later this month to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

Last updated: August 23, 2016