Mar 24, 2014

Dean Anno Saxenian Is One of 21 Thought-Leader Professors in Data Science


21 Thought-Leader Professors in Data Science

The field of data science continues to grow, and with it come thought leaders who contribute to the industry through outreach and education. Many of the data science professors teaching today are leaders in the big-data field, speaking at conferences, writing books, and even creating groundbreaking big-data developments themselves....

Dean and Professor, School of Information

On big data and how it touches our lives: “The impacts of big data are currently visible in the worlds of social media, technology, advertising and marketing, and finance. Big data is also many science and engineering fields like physics, biology, and astronomy. It will increasingly be visible in in health care, schools, government, and in a wide range of older industries, from autos to aerospace. Virtually every organization will want to be able to work with their data.Big data is working behind the scenes when we surf the web, use social media, and even email–whether on our mobile devices or computers. Big data is being used in our financial transactions and in our cars. It is really widespread–and soon will become ubiquitous.”...


Last updated: October 4, 2016