Feb 16, 2014

The Internet of Things Requires New Skills — and Berkeley Is Teaching Them

From The Washington Post

New skills are needed to work on Internet of Things

By Mohana Ravindranath

The “Internet of Things” — technologists’ vision of a network of billions of connected devices — has attracted the attention of tech giants including Cisco, Intel and General Electric, all of whom have internal business units dedicated to building the infrastructure for that network.

The market could also create demand for a new kind of IT specialist — those who can both engineer new products and process the data they collect, analysts and industry experts say....

A handful of universities have designed data-science programs to prepare students to work on Internet of Things projects. For instance, in September, the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Information unveiled a master’s degree in information and data science. All classes are held online; the program’s first cohort is learning advanced statistics, software programming and how to process the data collected from sensors and mobile devices, among other skills. The students are also required to study ethics and data privacy....


Last updated: October 4, 2016