Feb 3, 2014

New MIDS Program Part of Data Science Explosion, Says Chronicle of Higher Ed

From The Chronicle of Higher Education

As Data Proliferate, So Do Data-Related Graduate Programs

By Megan O’Neil

One hundred and fifty applicants for 30 spots. That was the target as business-school administrators at the University of Texas at Austin laid the groundwork for a new master’s-degree program in business analytics.... It’s not just Texas that is rushing to accommodate the queue of applicants. As data generated by social-media sites and mobile devices proliferate, so, too, do degree and certificate programs designed to train data professionals...

Last month the School of Information at the University of California at Berkeley started what officials there say is the first all-online master’s degree in information and data science. Its mission, in part, is to produce graduates with an awareness of the social and policy implications of data, says AnnaLee Saxenian, dean of the school. Instruction is being conducted via an online platform designed by the education-technology company 2U Inc.

"We wanted to create our curriculum from the ground up, and we wanted to make it cross-disciplinary in the way that schools of information can," says Ms. Saxenian....


Last updated: October 4, 2016