May 21, 2014

Stuart Geiger's Tips for Safe Passwords

From the Wall Street Journal

Another Cyberattack? Follow These Password Tips From the Pros

By Katherine Rosman and Danny Yadron

It is human nature to gravitate toward passwords that are easy to remember. But security experts and software engineers say that is part of the problem, leading to breaches like Wednesday’s cyberattack on eBay.

Here are some helpful tips from the pros to achieve what they like to call “good password hygiene.”...

Hold the Salt
“Salting” a password–the practice using variations of a standard password for different sites (WSJfb and WSJtwtr, for example)–is not safe. “People who ‘salt’ maintain little password hygiene,” says Stuart Geiger, a doctoral student at University of California, Berkeley’s School of Information....


Last updated: October 4, 2016