Feb 12, 2015

KCRA TV Discusses John Chuang’s Brainwave Authentication Research

From KCRA TV News

Could computer passwords be a thing of the past?

By David Bienick

The problem with passwords is they are too easy to guess, or they are too hard to remember. So researchers are coming with new ways to prove your computer knows you are you....

Meanwhile, another professor [John Chuang] at UC Berkeley has developed a headset that checks your identity by reading your brain waves.

John Chuang: Perhaps for you to log in, you mentally sing your favorite song in your head.

He says “passthought” technology could be integrated into wearable devices like Google Glass.

John Chuang: I think it will happen very soon, perhaps in the next three or four years....

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Last updated: October 4, 2016