Oct 20, 2015

Student Andrew Huang Highlights the Tension between Technology and Privacy

Andrew Huang is a second-year MIMS student focusing on product design and management and a product-design intern at Salesforce.

From Salesforce UX Blog

Invisible UI: The Tussle Between Personal Privacy and Technological Capability

By Andrew Huang

The invisible UI is a vision that has been floating through the progress of technology ever since we were first able to interact with a computer. At the foundation of our pursuit of invisible UI is the understanding that technology has made our lives exponentially easier and more productive, but it has also become another layer in our lives....

The AI that invisible UI relies on derives its knowledge from machine learning, which requires a tremendous amount of data to train its algorithms in order to improve accuracy.... Google knows you better because you’ve already fed it a ton of personal information about yourself.

What could possibly go wrong?
Now, if you are reading this from a consumer’s point of view, there should be some point where the alarm bells start ringing. True, you’ve already granted Google access to all your personal communication and you love how Siri knows who your husband/wife is and how to get you home, but there are very real privacy concerns that I don’t think the other blog posts about invisible UI have discussed.

Deirdre Mulligan, a professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information, teaches about how a breach of privacy is like a secret that cannot be untold. Once the secret has been exposed in the internet age, it can never be unknown again.


Last updated: October 4, 2016