Nov 3, 2016

Steve Weber and Betsy Cooper Warn About Election Cyberhacking

From Bloomberg

The real election hack fear

By Steve Weber & Betsy Cooper

Bloomberg Government regularly publishes insights, opinion and best practices from our community of senior leaders and decision-makers. This column is written by Steve Weber and Betsy Cooper. Dr. Steve Weber is the Faculty Director and Dr. Betsy Cooper is the Executive Director of the University of California, Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity.

If you are expecting to feel relief from a long and tortuous election season on the morning of November 9, don’t. Expect instead to hear about a possible cyberattack on American democracy. We might be watching a slow trickle of election results poisoned by suggestions that they may not be real. Imagine what it would feel like to hear different results on different media platforms, and not have any idea whom to trust....


Last updated: November 7, 2016