Feb 18, 2016

Steve Weber Ponders Candidates' Reactions to Apple on Privacy

From the Contra Costa Times

Feinstein, GOP urge Apple to help feds access San Bernardino shooter's iPhone

By Matthew Artz

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., joined several Republican presidential hopefuls Wednesday in blasting Apple for refusing to help federal agents access encrypted data on the cell phone of one of the San Bernardino shooters....

Apple's tough stance on encryption risks placing it in the cross hairs of leaders from both parties and making the company an easy target for presidential hopefuls.

"The populist tendencies among both Democrats and Republicans are clearly very strong," Steve Weber, a political science professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information said in an email. "At the moment they haven't taken aim at the tech firms, but when it's an issue of public safety, I bet they will."...


Last updated: October 4, 2016