Feb 18, 2016

Tim Cook's Privacy Stance is a "Big Bold Statement," Says Deirdre Mulligan

From the Los Angeles Times

Tim Cook's stance on privacy could define his Apple legacy

By David Pierson and Samantha Masunaga

Unlike his predecessor Steve Jobs, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook has never shied away from taking a political and social stand....

But it's his hard-line stance on privacy that could define his legacy at Apple and set the tone for the way big corporations deal with big government at a time when so much of our lives unfold on the devices we use every day....

Deirdre Mulligan, an associate professor of law in the UC Berkeley School of Information, called Cook's stance Wednesday a "big, bold statement" about the extent to which the company will go to protect customers' privacy, as well as its thoughts on how privacy and law enforcement needs should be discussed on a public stage."

"This is a really important moment in corporate leadership," she said. "It's certainly one of the things he'll be remembered for."


Last updated: October 4, 2016