Aug 31, 2016

Wall Street Journal Touts Alumni Startup Automatic

From The Wall Street Journal

A 911 Lifeline for Your Car, No Fees Required

By Geoffrey A. Fowler

Cruising down the D.C. Beltway at the crack of dawn last June, Bill Bowen was suddenly struck by a car veering across four lanes. Mr. Bowen’s red Mini Cooper spun around and landed on the road’s shoulder. What’s incredible isn’t just that he survived. Before he climbed out of the wreck, police had arrived—summoned to his exact location by a gadget plugged into his car.

The device also called his wife.

Mr. Bowen’s lifeline was called the Automatic—which I reviewed last year. Its maker recently debuted a new model that stands out among connected car tech because it’s easy to use and not very expensive.


Automatic was co-founded by School of Information alumni Ljuba Miljkovic (MIMS ’10) and Thejo Kote (MIMS ’11).

Last updated: September 7, 2016