Dec 5, 2017

Alumni Start-Up Pop Up Archive Acquired by Apple

From Nieman Journalism Lab

Apple has acquired Pop Up Archive, an interesting startup that makes podcasts more searchable

By Nicholas Quah

Here’s something you need to know: I’ve learned that Apple has acquired Pop Up Archive, the Oakland-based online platform focused on building tools to transcribe, organize, and search audio files. Among its suite of tools was the podcast search engine, which wound down operations on November 28, presumably in the wake of closing the acquisition.

Pop Up Archive was founded in 2012, and has since grown off an extended series of seed investments and grants from sources like Bloomberg Beta, 500 Startups, and the Knight Foundation, among others. The company also has a close relationship with PRX; in 2012, the two organizations partnered up to build Pop Up’s original web-based archive system....


Pop Up Archive was founded by Berkeley School of Information alumnae Anne Wooten and Bailey Smith. The project started as a 2012 MIMS final project. More information

Last updated: December 6, 2017