Aug 9, 2017

Anno Saxenian Details Benefits and Challenges of Online Degree Programs

From Inside Higher Ed

Does Harvard-2U Deal Challenge Skeptics?

By Mark Lieberman

Harvard and 2U announced Monday that the university would begin an executive certificate program in business analytics, delivered through 2U's online program management platform. The deal comes at a time when some observers question the viability of the OPM business model, in which companies typically make an up-front investment to build, launch and carry out digital courses in return for a share of revenue over a significant period of time....

With the polarizing debate continuing to swirl, “Inside Digital Learning” had a few questions for experts in the field...

AnnaLee Saxenian, dean of the school of information, University of California, Berkeley

Our experience at the UC Berkeley School of Information partnering with 2U to launch an online master of information and data science (MIDS) degree suggests that Harvard is making a wise decision to establish a similar partnership to deliver its certificate in business analytics....

We launched the MIDS degree in 2014. Here’s what we’ve learned in the past three years....


Last updated: August 9, 2017