Aug 8, 2017

Steven Weber Downplays Fears of Nuclear Confrontation

From Mic

North Korea says it’s “carefully examining” strike against US territory

By Stacey Leasca

On Wednesday, following intense rhetoric from United States President Donald Trump, North Korean officials said they are “carefully examining” a strike against the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, Reuters reported....

But still, even amid the escalating tension, Steven Weber, a national security and politics expert and professor at Berkeley, says the average American shouldn’t be too worried.

“I think it’s easy to get freaked out about this,” he said in a phone interview. “I’m not that freaked out for a bunch of different reasons.”

One reason, Webber explained, is because he believes a lot of this chatter is simply both countries blustering and vying for the attention of a greater power: China.

“I think that both of them are actually speaking to the Chinese and trying to convince Beijing that they’re dead serious about their policy,” Weber said...


Last updated: August 9, 2017