Dec 5, 2017

Tech Press Touts Apple’s Pop Up Archive Acquisition

Apple recently acquired Pop Up Archive, an Oakland-based start-up founded by Berkeley School of Information alumnae Anne Wooten and Bailey Smith. The project started as a 2012 MIMS final project. More information

From TechCrunch:

Apple buys podcast search startup Pop Up Archive

by Brian Heater

Apple’s played a central role in podcast since its earliest days... This morning, the Hot Pod newsletter reported that the company had picked up a small Bay Area-based startup called Pop Up Archive in what appears to the be an effort to build up its in-house podcasting tools....

You’ve likely not heard of the company, unless this is a world you follow closely. Pop Up Archive was founded back in  2012 and has remained pretty small since then. We first caught wind of it back in 2014, when it appeared at the 500 Startups Demo Day. At the time, the company was demonstrating a tool that tags audio usually transcribed textual data. A user uploads a podcast and it offers tags.

Sounds like a small thing, sure, but it’s a potentially important one when you’re dealing with long audio files. iTunes and the iPhone Podcast app could greatly benefit from additional contextual search. It would go a long way toward finding and recommending content via the service....



From Business Insider:

Apple buys Pop Up Archive, a sign it's getting serious about podcasting

By Kif Leswing

Apple bought Pop Up Archive, a small Oakland startup making tools for transcribing and organizing podcasts. The company confirmed the acquisition to Hot Pod, which broke the news....



From Fortune:

Why Apple's Podcasts App Is About to Get a Lot Better

By Don Reisinger

Apple’s Podcasts app hasn’t been a favorite of many iPhone users over the years. But a recent acquisition suggests it might get some important updates.

The tech giant has acquired a small audio file organization company named Pop Up Archive, Nicholas Quah at Nieman Lab is reporting, citing sources. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, and neither Apple nor Pop Up Archive publicly confirmed the deal. However, Pop Up Archive has been taken offline, and a note on its site says that it “shut down operations and ended support on November 28, 2017.”...



From the Financial Times:

Apple acquires podcast search engine Pop Up Archive

By Tim Bradshaw

Apple has acquired the start-up behind a podcast search engine, as it tries to capture more of the fast-growing market for internet audio that it helped to invent more than a decade ago.

Pop Up Archive was founded in 2012 to help podcast producers automatically transcribe their audio recordings into text, which can then be used to make recommendations or match advertisers with the right topics....


Last updated: December 6, 2017