Sep 7, 2018

One Year Later, Steve Weber Reflects on Equifax Breach

From The Wall Street Journal

One Year After Equifax Breach: Criminal Charges, New State Laws and Lost Chances

By Adam Janofsky

In the world of cybersecurity, a crisis can be a great motivator. But one year after credit reporting firm Equifax Inc. announced a major data breach, security and policy experts said it has largely been a missed opportunity.

There has been modest progress: A handful of states have passed tougher data breach notification laws and some corporate boards and executives have reexamined their cybersecurity budgets and potential risks. But the push for systemic changes in the way businesses handle data has faded, said Steven Weber, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley School of Information.

“Anyone who was expecting there to be a big dramatic change is going to be disappointed,” said Dr. Weber, who also serves as the faculty director for UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity...

Corporate boards have also eyed more long-term changes, said Dr. Weber, who advises several boards in the financial and insurance industries...

“Cybersecurity has risen to the top of the board’s agenda,” said Dr. Weber, adding that many of his clients have increased the time they spend with CISOs and have inquired whether they’re spending their budget on the right tools.


Steve Weber is a professor in the UC Berkeley School of Information and faculty director of Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity.

Last updated: September 10, 2018