Jul 11, 2021

Stuart Schechter Discusses Password Managers in the Wall Street Journal

From The Wall Street Journal

How Google and Apple’s Free Password Managers Compare With 1Password, Dashlane and Others

Nicole Nguyen

With ransomware attacks on the rise—and compromised passwords to blame for some of the hackings—there’s no better time to review your personal security practices...

Also, password-manager extensions work differently on different browsers. Stuart Schechter, a security lecturer at University of California, Berkeley, School of Information, points out that Apple provides a safe space for third-party password managers to transmit credentials securely on iOS devices and Macs. Websites can’t interfere with extensions within this framework. Google’s Chrome browser doesn’t offer this same kind of protection, he said...

Dr. Schechter uses browser-based password managers, as recommended by Mr. Ormandy, but said even browser-based password systems aren’t perfect.

“If you’re a Chrome user, using Chrome’s password manager has its own risks. Your passwords are only as safe and accessible as your Google account,” he said.

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Stuart Schechter is a lecturer in the Master of Information and Cybersecurity program.

Last updated: July 13, 2021