Apr 15, 2022

Hany Farid Authors Forward on New Report on Instagram’s “Pro-eating Disorder Bubble”

From Washington Examiner

Instagram promotes 'pro-eating disorder content,' profits off it, report claims

By Jenny Goldsberry

Meta's algorithm on Instagram is promoting "pro-eating disorder content" to some 20 million users, including children as young as 9 years old, according to a report...

"The technology sector has proven that it is unable or unwilling to prioritize children’s welfare and so the time has come for our state, federal and international regulators to step in," Hany Farid, a University of California, Berkeley professor in the School of Information, wrote in the report's foreword.

Farid pointed to legislation in California that would force Big Tech to "consider the privacy and protection of children in the design of any digital product or service that children in California are likely to access." It was introduced in February of this year...

Read more about the report’s findings...

Hany Farid is a professor of information and electrical engineering & computer sciences at UC Berkeley.

Last updated: April 20, 2022