Mar 15, 2022

NYT Profiles Alum Ashkan Soltani’s Work Leading the Nation’s First Privacy Agency

From The New York Times

How California Is Building the Nation’s First Privacy Police

By David McCabe

Ashkan Soltani, the head of California’s new online privacy regulator, needed help launching the first agency of its kind in the United States. So he called the state’s Horse Racing Board...

Mr. Soltani is “literally inventing a state department,” Mr. Chaney said. “He’s almost inventing it from the ground up.”

“It’s easily the most difficult thing I’ve done in my life, but also I think potentially the most impactful,” said Mr. Soltani, who has been working from his home in Oakland, Calif.


Ashkan Soltani is a MIMS 2009 alumnus.

Last updated: March 18, 2022