Jul 31, 2022

Philanthropic group gives $2M to UC Berkeley Cybersecurity Clinics

From Daily Cal

Philanthropic group gives $2M to UC Berkeley Cybersecurity Clinics

By Ratul Mangal

Craig Newmark Philanthropies, or CNP, announced a $1.725 million donation to the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics, or COCC, that will be distributed over the course of three years...

According to Shanti Corrigan, senior director of philanthropy for campus’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, or CLTC, the consortium began when representatives from campus’s CLTC and MIT’s Cybersecurity Clinic organized monthly group calls with other existing clinics...

Corrigan said the clinics have different but aligned focuses with the CLTC’s Citizen Clinic. For example, the Citizen Clinic trains students to assist “politically targeted non-profits” with cybersecurity, while MIT’s clinic concentrates on cities and municipalities.

Read the full article.

Shanti Corrigan is the senior director of philanthropy at the School of Information and its Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC). 

Citizen Clinic is a public-interest digital security clinic, and course offered at the School of Information. 

Last updated: August 1, 2022