Citizen Clinic

What is Citizen Clinic?

Similar to university clinics in law and medicine, we train teams of students to help civil society organizations defend themselves against digital threats.

Who We Serve

We serve underfunded non-profit clients locally and around the world, free of charge. Past clients include women’s reproductive justice organizations, LGBTQ rights groups, and organizations serving refugee, immigrant, and indigenous communities.

Digital Security for Civil Society

Citizen Clinic is a trailblazing multidisciplinary, public-interest digital security clinic.

Civil society organizations, including journalists, human rights defenders, and social justice activists, are essential for healthy democracies, human rights, and justice to thrive. But many lack the resources to secure their digital operations. These organizations face growing threats of cyberattacks, targeted surveillance, online harassment, and disinformation.

Citizen Clinic empowers civil society organizations to fulfill their missions, defend against digital threats, and build digital capabilities so they can drive social change.

Prospective Students

Citizen Clinic is training the next generation of digital security leaders. By engaging students from varying backgrounds and disciplines with a hands-on approach, we encourage a diverse group to pursue careers in public-interest technology.

Citizen Clinic shows students that they don’t have to choose between a career in technology or a career in the public interest. They can do both.

Citizen Clinic is offered simultaneously under two course titles:

Clinic student participants will be chosen by application.

Apply for course enrollment

What We Do

Defend Civil Society

We offer custom, long-term client engagements to build the digital capacity of civil society organizations and provide them with the tools and knowledge to proactively defend themselves against digital threats.

Train Digital Security Leaders

Citizen Clinic students are the next generation of digital security leaders. Students from varying backgrounds and disciplines are empowered to pursue careers in public-interest technology, expanding the cybersecurity workforce. Citizen Clinic students don’t have to choose between a career in tech or a career in the public interest. They can do both.

Grow the Public-Interest Technology Community

We are building a new public-interest technology community with digital security as bedrock of civil society. We share our institutional knowledge and serve as a model for other universities establishing similar clinics.

Remote video URL

Students: Apply Now

Citizen Clinic is offered simultaneously under two course titles: CYBER 289 and INFO 289. Clinic student participants are chosen by application.

Apply Now

Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics

We are proud to be a founding member of the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics, an international network of university-based cybersecurity clinics.

Learn more (PDF)

Starting Your Own Cybersecurity Clinic?

The Citizen Clinic Cybersecurity Education Center shares our syllabi, curriculum, case studies, and infrastructure for other academic institutions interested in the clinic model, along with basic cybersecurity resources for civil society organizations.

Last updated: October 19, 2023