MIMS Final Project 2017


When on medication, have you ever missed a pill? Been confused about how many pills to take, which ones to take when or simply didn’t enjoy the pill taking experience? You are not alone!! Every year an estimated 125,000 Americans die from taking their pills incorrectly, according to a 2012 study from the Annals of Internal Medicine. We delved beyond this statistic and learned that sticking to a medication regimen is more than just a memory problem and an unpleasant swallowing experience, it is also a reminder of an underlying condition which is often accompanied by feelings of anxiety and loneliness.

Our app helps alleviate the problem and improves medication compliance by providing various features which could be used to curate a personalized experience. The key features include an ability to build a support group comprising of friends/family to help keep you on track by sending personalized messages. Secondly, you can configure rewards of things that bring you joy e.g. pics of happy times, pets/cute animals, xkcd comic strips, latest travel deals, etc. The app can also pump it up once in awhile based on personal non-compliance patterns. Thirdly, it allows you to customize the notifications to make the reminder more pleasant. Last but not least, it gives you an ability to generate a medication adherence report that can be reviewed with the physician and make you a more active partner in identifying your trends and bolster your medication compliance efforts.

Last updated: May 15, 2017