Shaun Giudici

Alumni (MIMS 2015)


Human-Computer Interaction, Information Visualization, Product Design


Prior to participating in UC Berkeley's MIMS program, I was 8 years into my career, which spanned a variety of technology focused roles, including: QA Engineer, operations support engineer, and full-stack web developer. 

My experiences at Cal exposed me to a breadth of new ideas and disciplines. It stretched me in one way, towards human-centered design and UX. In another way I dove into data mining and information visualization. Across campus in the invention lab we applied design thinking strategies to create interactive "provocations", and practiced bringing art & design together to highlight critical societal issues. 

I led the Information Management Student Association because they make fun events happen, like InfoCamp Berkeley, and "social" hackathons. But also because leadership and public speaking were skills way outside of my comfort zone that I wanted to challenge. 

Ping me to chat about anything from UX to research to fantasy baseball.