

Alumni (MIDS 2022)

Alumni (MIMS 2015)

Data Analytics, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Information Visualization, Product/Project management

Alumni (MIMS 2023)

Product manager with a focus on data and UX

Alumni (5th Year MIDS 2021)

5th Year MIDS Student

Alumni (5th Year MIDS 2021)

Interested in applying Data Science to Education, specifically to address educational inequities

Alumni (MIDS 2016)

I'm passionate about analytics at tech companies, particularly those offering cloud services. My current focus is on using usage and customer data to increase engagement and customer satisfaction.

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Alumni (MIDS 2019)

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Algorithms in helping business decision making and business strategy.

I am fascinated by the hunt for data treasures and discovering opportunities that can be used to drive change and provide business value, using data science as my tool kit.

Alumni (MIDS 2021)

Master the concepts of Data Science and apply it in the real world