
Alumni (5th Year MIDS 2021)

Data Science with a focus on Machine Learning and Econometrics

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Alumni (MIDS 2018)

Enhance my understanding and practical skills of Data Science with latest technologies and hands-on approaches

Alumni (MIMS 2012)

Human-Computer Interaction, UserInterface Design, Mobile Application Development, Data Mining, Data Warehouse, and Business Intelligence.

Alumni (MIDS 2021)

machine learning, discrete response, time series and panel data

Alumni (5th Year MIDS 2021)

A 5th year MIDS student interested in machine learning, neural networks, and quantitative finance.

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Systems Engineering

Alumni (MIDS 2020)

Data Scientist | Engineer | Problem Solver in Oil&Gas, Energy and Environment. Also: Mom. Knitter. Cyclist. Runner. Coffee is necessary. Good Single Malt is a bonus.

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Cybersecurity | IT Security Strategy | Risk Management | Data Security | Data Privacy

Alumni (MIMS 2016)

Privacy & civil liberties; information policy; usable security; behavioral economics.