
Alumni (MICS 2021)

Humanity & Technology

Alumni (MIMS 2017)

Making data accessible to non-technical employees and end-users in thoughtful, secure ways

Alumni (MIDS 2021)

Implementing Data Science within educational technology companies to provide more accessible, equitable and engaging platforms for online learning and specifically math education.

Alumni (MIMS 2015)

Data Visualization

Alumni (MIMS 2017)

Data Science, Product Management

Alumni (MIDS 2022)

Changing the World by Leading the Development of Intelligent Industry 4.0 Technology Solutions - Industrial Automation, Agriculture, & Energy

Alumni (MIDS 2022)

Interested in data analytics in the criminal justice field.

Former Lecturer
Alumni (PhD 2009)

Start-ups, user experience, SaaS, software engineering, distributed systems, and mobile applications

Alumni (PhD 2013)

Alumni (MIDS 2015)

I'm a former management consultant who enjoys working on challenging data problems

Alumni (MIMS 2012)

technology-enabled international development, mobile phones, new media, social enterprise, governance and transparency, technology and society

Alumni (MIMS 2017)

using tech to mitigate coordination barriers via improved access to data, information, and visualizations; personalized healthcare tech and data interoperability; product development

Alumni (MIDS 2019)

Data Science and Machine Learning