
Alumni (MIDS 2016)

I'm interested in using data to help global nonprofits measure and grow their social impact

Alumni (MIMS 2019)

Data Science and Analytics

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Using data science to make the best business decisions possible!

Alumni (MIMS 2012)

User Experience, Needs and Usability Assessment

Alumni (MIDS 2020)

Data Science

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Quantitative finance researcher, research focus include mid to low frequency global macro and quantitative equity trading strategies.

Alumni (MIDS 2020)

Looking to expand the horizons of public education administration

Alumni (MIDS 2018)

I am here to engage with talented, motivated people who share my passion for using data science to solve a variety of problems. I am particularly interested in the intersection of machine learning and causality/field experiments.

Finding new ways to use data with business.

Alumni (MIDS 2020)
Former Lecturer

Practice Director | Lecturer | Advisor building innovative solutions using technology and data

Alumni (MIMS 2014)

The Future of Publishing, Open Source Projects, Digital Annotation, and Science Fiction.