

MIDS Student

MIDS Fall 2023 Cohort Student interested in applying deep learning and computer vision to coronary CT scanning and other imaging technologies

MIMS Student 2025

Applied Machine Learning and Mechanistic Modelling to understand complex real-world settings and develop products that improve healthcare equity

MIDS Student

Software industry vet having potential mid-life crisis and looking to pivot into new career focused in data science

MIDS Student

Ziyin Sun is a gemologist working at Gemological Institute of America and a current MIDS student.

MIDS Student

ML Design and Operations

MIDS Student

Computer Vision, NLP, ML

MIMS Student 2025

Entrepreneurship, AI Product Strategy and Management, Decision Intelligence

MIDS Student

Analytics Engineer at Consensys, a blockchain infrastructure company. I'm interested in AI and how to incorporate it with Ethereum.

MIDS Student

Applying Data Science to Manufacturing

MIDS Student

I aim to leverage machine learning and big data analytics to uncover insights and make a tangible impact in the public sector.

MIDS Student

Interested in leveraging data science for sustainable finance and investment portfolio management

MIMS Student 2025

Data Science | Information Policy | Ethics

5th Year MIDS Student 2024

5th Year MIDS Student 2024

Excited to be using the data science tools and skills I gain at the I School in the fields of sustainable mobility and aerospace.

MIDS Student

Data Science and Data Engineering

MIDS Student

Using machine learning to optimize pricing and promotional strategy in the consumer goods industry

MIDS Student


MIDS Student

Interested in learning statistics/ML and their application in data science.

MIDS Student

Actuary with a focus on integrating data science and actuarial science to drive innovation in the insurance industry.

MIDS Student

Big Data Applications and Storage Systems