
Alumni (MICS 2024)

My focus will be Cybersecurity as a whole, understanding complex attack vectors, and the protection of Industrial Control Systems.

Alumni (MIDS 2020)

1) Getting the skills to handle large datasets and derive meaningful predictions (with focus on developing risk transfer products).
2) Be able to ask the right questions when interacting with start-up companies in the area of machine learning.

Alumni (MIMS 2018)

I am interested in reinforce my knowledge in the manipulation and technological advances on information analysis which I find particularly useful for my future career in Banco de Mexico.

Alumni (MIDS 2024)

I am a marketing analyst with a background in physics and music production, currently pursuing a career in the electronic music scene

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Advanced Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Causal Experiements

Alumni (MIDS 2021)

deep learning, statistics

Alumni (MIMS 2023)

Algorithmic Fairness, Natural Language Processing, Technology in Developing Economies

Alumni (MIMS 2024)

Technical Product Management with Engineering, ML and AI

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Data Scientist & Founder at

Alumni (MIDS 2021)

Passionate about data science, virtual reality & research.

Alumni (MIDS 2024)

Applied Science, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval - Web Search, Deep Learning

Alumni (MIDS 2016)

Build Data Products

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

I have been working in the Energy sector for more than 12 years after my graduation from Purdue University. Learning data science and machine learning will help me move forward.

Marketing and content analytics professional, seeks advanced machine learning and statistical techniques to drive business value

Alumni (MIMS 2015)

Product Management, User Experience Research, Interaction Design, Data Analytics, ICT for Social Enterprises, Technology Tools for Education.