MIMS Final Project 2004

Corpus Project

Team members

As U.C. Berkeley's School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS) ends its seventh academic year, an opportune time presents itself to evaluate SIMS in the context of its mission and student body. The SIMS Corpus project team initially set out to create a data model representative of the SIMS domain, but this proved to be more of a strategic and research oriented exercise than originally anticipated. In order to classify SIMS' academic resources (i.e. identity, courses, and degree tracks), consensus was required about the current nature and value of the SIMS experience. Instead of developing a data model which supported a transient view of SIMS, focus was placed on identifying the points of greatest convergence and divergence amongst SIMS stakeholders. Hopefully, the project findings will help spur the development of a shared vision for SIMS and serve as a foundation for future projects--including the development of a SIMS data model.

Last updated: October 7, 2016