MIMS Final Project 2006

Content Management Case Studies

Team members

Even though most companies manage content that plays a direct or indirect role in the success of their business, most struggle in isolation. Despite how “common” the problem of content management is, standards and best practices are only in the early stages of development.

By developing case studies of two to three cross-platform publishers, I plan to document some of the key content management issues and decisions organizations currently face. Depending on the circumstances of the participating companies, the case studies will explore:

  • the type and scope of the content each publisher manages
  • the underlying information model and content reuse strategy, if any
  • functional, usability, and technical aspects of content management systems utilized
  • organizational and process infrastructure supporting content management

I also intend to complement the individual case studies with a comparative analysis of the publishers' content management strategies and implementations. With the consent of the participating companies, I may distribute my final project case studies internally and on a limited basis. To request copies, please email me.

Last updated: October 7, 2016