MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2019


Prycer provides first-time Airbnb hosts with a simple and comprehensive tool that determines an revenue-optimized base price for their rental properties and a comprehensive view of their neighborhood based on existing data. In an effort to provide a more meaningful service to these new hosts, another main feature of Prycer provides helpful tips and recommendations of key words to use in their listing to make their properties more appealing to potential renters. Prycer currently supports 11 major U.S. cities.

We've created an end-to-end product that includes the following features: 

  • A Neighborhood Dashboard that showcases rental properties, a summary of prices, accomodation size, reviews and more. 
  • A base price tool that provides hosts with the "right" price to list their property at. 
  • Listing suggestions to make their property stand out.

The group is focused on utilizing meaningful regression, visualization & LDA models to better equip new Airbnb hosts with pricing AND listing knowledge to boost their occupancy rates and increase their profits. Feel free to evaluate and test out our product below! 

Last updated: July 31, 2019