Student Project

NBA Salary Tool

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is one of the most popular sporting leagues in the world. Although it is primarily based in the US, the players and the fans are international. Each NBA team receives revenue from multiple sources and must figure out how to best spend that money that their team has. In our analysis, we focus on attendance as a substitute metric for revenue. The more people that attend a game, the more money the team makes.

A NBA team's General Manager is responsible for managing the team and setting up contractual agreements with the players on the team. These managers require data to understand how to best form a team. Our goal is help NBA General Managers to answer the following questions:

1) In relation to the rest of the league, what should the team's total salary expenditure be for the season?

2) How many, if any, Superstars should the team sign during the off-season?

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Last updated: August 5, 2021