5th Year MIDS Capstone Project 2022


In a world that’s moving faster and faster, this tool will help a user slow down to reflect on their behavior and mental health, with or without the help of a therapist. If it is used in conjunction with a therapist, the platform would leverage data science to aid the mental health professional with navigating their patient’s troubles in journal form. Otherwise, the user can use the site independently by inputting their digital journals and viewing insights that help them answer questions such as:

  • What type of events trigger the most emotions in your journal?
  • How has a particular person’s influence over you changed since you have known them? Has it been mostly positive or negative?
  • How has your reaction to a certain type of event matured over time?

The site leverages NLP techniques that include sentiment analysis and named entity recognition to extract information from journal entries and the Bokeh visualization library to display them in a user-friendly and interactive manner. We hope that the combination of these techniques will help us achieve our mission of enhancing self-reflection in order for users to cultivate behaviors that make them happier day to day.

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Last updated: July 29, 2022