MICS Capstone Project Summer 2024


AdHawk is an innovative cybersecurity project focused on automating the detection of crime indicators, specifically human trafficking, through advanced machine learning techniques. Utilizing anonymized adtech data, AdHawk identifies patterns and trends that may signal human trafficking activities enabling proactive intervention and prevention. 

Key Features:

  1. Advanced Machine Learning Models: Our models are designed to analyze vast amounts of adtech data, detecting subtle anomalies and indicators of potential human trafficking. 
  2. Anonymized Data Utilization: AdHawk prioritizes privacy and security by using anonymized adtech data, ensuring no personal information is compromised while still delivering accurate and actionable insights. 
  3. Near Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: AdHawk provides continuous monitoring, offering near real-time alerts to help law enforcement and security agencies respond swiftly to emerging threats. 
  4. Holistic Threat Modeling: The project incorporates a comprehensive threat modeling framework, identifying key threats and associated risks, and implementing robust security controls to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. 
  5. User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive dashboard makes it easy for users to navigate and understand complex data, providing clear visualizations and actionable intelligence. 

Mission: To leverage the power of anonymized adtech data in safeguarding communities by detecting and preventing criminal activities before they escalate. AdHawk is committed to enhancing public and digital safety through innovative technology, cybersecurity, and comprehensive data analysis. 

Last updated: July 24, 2024