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Student Project

SecureGap - Automated tools to Audit AirGapped Environments

SecureGap is the ultimate open-source solution for comprehensive STIG policy audits and vulnerability scans on air-gapped networks. The software is designed for the most secure environments., with the system administrator in mind. User-friendly interface and cutting-edge open source solutions provide clients with the functionality that makes managed air-gapped networks hard to penetrate.  With the advanced vulnerability scanning and policy audit capabilities, detecting potential threats and ensuring full compliance with government and industry standards is seamless, and does not require the system to be connected to the network. This makes SecureGap an ideal rapid response solution for administrators who need to isolate conventional connected end-points in case of a breach. Intuitive dashboard and automated, customizable reports empower cybersecurity professionals to swiftly comply with government policy requirements while maintaining the integrity of the most sensitive data by using a transparent and a flexible solution. 

Last updated: July 22, 2024