Laura Chutny

Alumni (MIDS 2020)


Data Scientist | Engineer | Problem Solver in Oil&Gas, Energy and Environment. Also: Mom. Knitter. Cyclist. Runner. Coffee is necessary. Good Single Malt is a bonus.


Business Strategy
Data Science


Data Scientist | Engineer | Problem Solver. Oil&Gas, Energy and Environment. Also: Mom. Knitter. Cyclist. Runner. Coffee is necessary. Good Single Malt is a bonus.

I love to design, conceptualize and model. Data science combined with Process Engineering gives me a unique ability to see patterns in, and ask questions of data - especially large and messy data. Defining the problem and using the data to find solutions that fit business and technical needs, combined with excellent customer service and clear communication of results.

I am pivoting my 28 year Chemical Engineering career towards data science and business analytics. I need new tools to move in a new direction. I have worked in Petrochemicals, Oil and Gas, Refining, Plastics and Chemical Engineering Research, doing lots of simulation, modeling, process design, troubleshooting and process optimization. Time in the field (think hard hat, coveralls and steel toed boots) and lots behind my computer screen. I've owned my own consulting company for 10 years and learned a lot about how to make small business run and how the Oil and Gas industry in Western Canada is a very unique business ecosystem. I would love to see the industry move to more sustainable practices. I believe that Alberta has many very smart people that could help export new technology in environment, sustainable oil and gas and in renewable energy to the rest of the world. We need to lead the way. I think combining Data Science and 'traditional' engineering will help bridge that gap. 

Also, am the mom (chief taxi driver and chef) to two teenagers and wife to a busy oil and gas executive. I cycle for fun, for exercise and for transportation (working on the n+1 bike). I like to run and am looking to add a duathlon or two to my calendar in 2020. I also knit for relaxation - usually making things for others, but sometimes for myself. It is a great creative outlet. The website I've linked to is really old.... maybe it will get an update soon!