Mixing and Remixing Information


3 units

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This course is not currently offered.

Course Description

This course focuses on employing XML and web services to reuse or "remix" digital content and services. Students will learn practical tools and techniques to recombine personal information through hands-on explorations and projects.

Topics include:

  • weblogs, wikis, and their underlying technologies
  • content syndication via RSS
  • building applications on top of Flickr, the image sharing site, and delicious, and other social bookmarking sites
  • incorporating content from libraries via new digital library technologies
  • sending content to the campus' new learning management system, bSpace
  • exploiting the XML of OpenOffice.org and Microsoft Office to create and manipulate "smart documents"
  • incorporating geospatial services into the mix of services


Students are expected to have some basic knowledge of XML. No experience with web services is expected.


Last updated: January 10, 2017