Distinguished Lecture

Rumors of the Web's Demise

2010-10-27T16:00:00 - 2010-10-27T17:30:00
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Roy Bahat

Wired has declared “the web is dead.” We will look at several technologies and information systems that have died (or are on life support) — pigeon post, the area code — and others that are thriving — mobile applications, cable, World of Warcraft — and try to figure out whether the web is going the way of the dodo. Will our grandchildren know what a URL is? We will connect the web to ideas of location and ask: what is the meaning of place, in the digital age?


Roy Bahat is president of IGN Entertainment, which he joined in 2007. IGN, a division of News Corporation, is a leader in videogame media, as well as video, digital distribution, and online game technology. Roy works closely with News Corporation to oversee the company's broader online videogame strategy.

Before joining News Corp., Roy worked on various startups and was in the public sector, both in the office of New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and at New York's 2012 Olympic bid. He previously worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company.

Roy graduated from Harvard College. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, where he was also a lecturer in undergraduate math and economics. In spring 2011, he will be teaching a course on media for the School of Information and Haas School of Business.

Last updated: August 23, 2016