Design Futures Lecture

Co-Imagining Futures

2011-09-22T18:10:00 - 2011-09-22T19:30:00
Thursday, September 22, 2011
6:10 pm - 7:30 pm
135 Cheit Hall, Haas School of Business
Uday Dandavate

Breakthrough solutions for lingering problems and saturated marketplaces can be found by engaging stakeholders in co-imagining the future. SonicRim, a multi-disciplinary co-creation agency, has pioneered new approaches to deepening insights and inspiring breakthrough ideas through story telling and play. The speaker, Uday Dandavate, believes that recession has provided the world a perfect opportunity for breakthrough innovation only because it has made policy makers and business leaders willing to co-imagine the future with everyday people and innovate disruptive solutions through a participatory process.

The Design Futures Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Berkeley Center for New Media and the School of Information.

As an avid world-traveler, a passionate champion of Co-creation, a political columnist, and a design activist, Uday works with a wide range of people and organizations at different levels. His curiosity for people, cultures and change has drawn him to fields as diverse as anthropology, psychology, communication, sociology, marketing, politics and design.

Uday is a co-founder and CEO of SonicRim, a global design research consulting practice, based out of Columbus, Ohio and San Francisco, California. At SonicRim he is focused on helping his clients cultivate capacity for co-imagining the future and co-creating solutions that help improve the life of everyday people. He often pushes his client beyond their comfort zone to identify unexplored opportunities for experience innovation through co-creation.

Outside of SonicRim, Uday is a relentless design activist. Searching for ways to rally people around Macro issues. He often hits the road conducting workshops in colleges and in companies championing causes as diverse as “Co-creation”, “MacroDesign” and “sustainability”. He coined the term, MacroDesign recognizing the need for designers to participate in the public policy domain. He is often invited to write for design and political magazines and speak in front of corporate, not-for-profit and academic audiences about change, innovation and co-creation.

Last updated: March 26, 2015