Information Access Seminar

Information Access Seminar: AnnaLee Saxenian

Friday, April 11, 2025
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm PDT

AnnaLee Saxenian

This seminar will be held both online & in person. You are welcome to join us either in South Hall or via Zoom.

For online participants

Online participants must have a Zoom account and be logged in. Sign up for your free account here. If this is your first time using Zoom, please allow a few extra minutes to download and install the browser plugin or mobile app.

Join the seminar online


AnnaLee Saxenian is professor in the School of Information and served as the school’s dean from 2004 to 2019. Her most recent book, The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in the Global Economy (Harvard University Press, 2006), explores how the “brain circulation” by immigrant engineers from Silicon Valley has transferred technology entrepreneurship to emerging regions in China, India, Taiwan, and Israel.

Her prior publications include Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128 (Harvard University Press, 1994), Silicon Valley's New Immigrant Entrepreneurs (PPIC, 1999), and Local and Global Networks of Immigrant Professionals in Silicon Valley (PPIC, 2002). Saxenian holds a doctorate in political science from MIT, a master's in regional planning from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BA in economics from Williams College.

Last updated: February 7, 2025