Oct 19, 2009

Marti Hearst to Deliver iSchools Conference Keynote Address

The iSchools Caucus announced today that UC Berkeley I School Professor Marti Hearst will be a keynote speaker for the 2010 iConference.

Professor Marti Hearst has been on the faculty of the School of Information since 1997, with an affiliate appointment in the Computer Science division. Her primary research interests are user interfaces for search engines, information visualization, natural language processing, and empirical analysis of social media. She has just completed the first book, Search User Interfaces.

Prof. Hearst received B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, and was a member of the research staff at Xerox PARC from 1994 to 1997.

Prof. Hearst has served on the Advisory Council of NSF's CISE Directorate and is co-chair of the Web Board for CACM. She is a member of the Usage Panel for the American Heritage Dictionary and is on the Edge.org panel of experts. She is on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on the Web and ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction and was formerly on the boards of Computational Linguistics, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, and IEEE Intelligent Systems.

The fifth annual iConference will be held February 3–6, 2010, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The conference will examine the impacts of the iSchool movement; it will explore both actual and potential impacts of the iSchool movement, and ask how impact can be defined, identified, measured, and communicated.

The annual iConference is sponsored by the iSchools Caucus, a coalition of leading information schools from across the US and Canada. These schools have joined together to build awareness of, support for, and involvement with the field of information among key constituencies, principally the media, business community, those who fund research, student prospects, and users of information.

Last updated: October 4, 2016