Apr 19, 2011

Brian Carver to Speak at "Good Internet" Conference

School of Information assistant professor Brian Carver will be speaking at this Saturday's Good Internet Conference at UC Berkeley.

The Good Internet Conference is sponsored by the Roosevelt Institute to promote the practice of digital citizenship. The conference is organized into three tracks — Access and Agency, Government 2.0, and a "hack-a-thon" sponsored by Code For America — and features Tim O'Reilly as keynote speaker.

Carver will be speaking jointly with Carl Malamud, founder of public.resource.org, to kick off the Government 2.0 track; that track asks, "Can government build greater accountability and capacity through a citizen-based Internet?  How so?"

The conference will be held in UC Berkeley's Wurster Hall; registration is still open.

Last updated: October 4, 2016