Nov 12, 2013

Morten Hansen One of the Top 50 Management Thinkers

School of Information professor Morten Hansen has been named of the world’s top fifty thinkers in management by Thinkers50, a global ranking of management thinkers published every two years.

Hansen is the co-author of Great by Choice (with Jim Collins, 2011) and the author of Collaboration (2009). He also holds a faculty position at INSEAD and was previously a management consultant with the Boston Consulting Group. He is ranked #28 on the 2013 Thinkers50 list.

“Interesting times demand interesting ideas,” say Thinkers50 creators Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove. “There is a real sense that how we view business and how business is practiced is changing. The ideas of the people featured in the Thinkers 50 make a difference on the factory floor and in the boardrooms of the world. In business, ideas matter because they can be the difference between success and failure.”

Last updated: October 4, 2016