Jan 3, 2022

Prof. Saxenian’s Findings on Silicon Valley Ring True in Holmes Trial

From Los Angeles Times

Column: The Theranos verdict won't stop investors from pouring money into the next big fraud

Michael Hiltzik

Elizabeth Holmes, the founder and chief executive of the medical device company Theranos, was convicted Monday on multiple counts of defrauding investors following a four-month trial in federal court in San Jose...

The case raises the important question of whether the testimony and result will serve as object lessons for investors confronted with cheery promises in the future. Bet your money that the answer is "no..."

The nature of Silicon Valley as a self-reinforcing ecosystem owes much to Annalee Saxenian and her 1994 book "Regional Advantage." A professor of information sciences at UC Berkeley, Saxenian identified the key to the valley's success as a culture in which "not only was risk-taking glorified, but failure was socially acceptable."


AnnaLee (Anno) Saxenian is a professor and former dean in the School of Information.

Last updated: January 11, 2022