Oct 31, 2023

CLTC Executive Director Ann Cleaveland Appears on Panel at PIT-UN

From Boston University Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences

‘Partnering with the Private Sector:’ PIT-UN Panel Focuses on Building Trust Through Public Interest

The private sector can play a vital role by placing public interest at the heart of technology. Panelists at the annual Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN) Convening 2023, held earlier this month at Boston University’s Center for Computing & Data Sciences, discussed how innovation and education can support community well-being while creating profitable, sustainable firms.

The “Partnering with the Private Sector” panel explored how companies can build public interest concerns into their business models, and build trust with the general public...

Ann Cleaveland, co-chair of the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics pointed out the need for many interventions: “People are saying the core concern of cybersecurity is to match the speed of trust with the speed of innovation. And I can't say anyone has a silver bullet for that. It's probably a lot of silver buckshot...”

Read more or watch the full video.

Ann Cleaveland is the executive director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, where she is responsible for growing key partnerships, managing day-to-day operations, and stewarding a strategy to fulfill the mission of CLTC’s multidisciplinary research center. Her research interests include cybersecurity futures, digital risk communications, and governance of cyber risk. Cleaveland is a senior leader and business manager with experience in philanthropy, non-profit management, and industry.

Prior to joining CLTC, she served as the senior director of strategic planning at the ClimateWorks Foundation, where she led multiple initiatives focused on supporting a large, philanthropic collaborative in a more strategic, effective, and science-based response to global climate change.

Last updated: November 29, 2023