

Two I School research teams were among the presenters at the recent RSA Conference.
Founding Dean Hal Varian commits $500,000 to establish a doctoral endowment at the UC Berkeley School of Information.
New UC Berkeley public interest tech initiative ‘Fiat Justice Scholars’ will teach a diverse group of undergraduates both technical skills, and, how…
The project was recognized for having the greatest potential to solve important social problems and improve people’s lives in meaningful ways.
I School Professor Jenna Burrell will be joining Data & Society in August 2021 as Director of Research on a one-year rotation…
Pioneering alumnus Paul Fasana (M.L.S ’60), a champion of LGBTQ causes through his scholarship and philanthropy, has died at the age of 87. In…
Tony Di Sera (MIDS ’21) has been awarded the Jack Larson Data for Good Fellowship for her wide-ranging contributions to genomic research using data…
Prof. Michael Buckland and alumnus Hiroshi Kashiwagi were honored with induction into the California Library Association’s Hall of Fame on May 13,…
I School class incentivizes innovation. 
Microsoft President Brad Smith addressed the School of Information graduating class on May 16, 2021.