Daniel Wald

Alumni (MIDS 2018)


To bring 21 century analysis techniques to the Aerospace industry


I am an Aerospace Engineer with over 12 years of experience developing and executing leading edge technology in both air-borne and space systems.  I have multiple technical and managerial roles throughout my career, including: subject matter expert on Missile Defense satellites, Lead Engineer for the F-35 Helmet Mounted Display and most recently managed the test efforts of a multi-billion dollar satellite system.  

Over the years, I have learned to ignore intuition and instead allow the data to tell its own story and lead me to a logical conclusion.  This skill is more rare than it sounds and has led me to success where others have failed: enhancing tracking algorithms to increase sensitivity while ignoring a bright background, increasing first pass yield of a complex manufactured system from 75% to 96% and the development of multiple patents pending to solve the problem of low cost high accuracy augmented reality displays for pilots.  I am excited to be formally studying Data Science and look forward to new insights and tools added to my current toolkit.