Jaime Heiss

Alumni (MIDS 2021)


Real time data analysis of physiological data with emphasis on single neuron imaging and single/multi neuronal electrophysiology


Data Science
Software Development
User Experience Design & Research


I studied Electrical and Biomedical engineering in Santiago, Chile, specializing in machine learning algorithms for pattern classification of EEG. Then I moved to Israel to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience at the Weizmann Institute of Science where I learned in vivo electrophysiology. Later I moved to California and have been at the center for Neuroscience, at SRI International in Menlo Park since 2010. Our group performs mainly basic, NIH funded research, as well as commercial research. I have implemented several state of the art technologies for our group, like optogenetics, in vivo microendoscopy and chemogenetics, together with standard in vivo electrophysiology. Together with learning and troubleshooting these techniques, I also developped the tools to analyze the obtained data using mainly Matlab and Python.