Nathan Good

Former Lecturer
Alumni (PhD 2009)

By appointment (online)


Start-ups, user experience, SaaS, software engineering, distributed systems, and mobile applications


Nathan Good is the current Principal at Good Research, LLC. As a grad student, Nathan interned at PARC, Yahoo! and aHP Labs in Bernardo Huberman's  Information Dynamics Lab.  Before that he was at PARC (formely Xerox PARC) in Marc Steffik's Human Document Interaction Group. Nathan also worked with Joe Konstan and John Riedl in the Grouplens group at the University of Minnesota


PhD, Information Management and Systems; UC Berkeley; 2002 – 2008

Master's degree in Computer Science; UC Berkeley; 2002 – 2008

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; 1997 – 2000